(RSS) links since June 26, 2006 at 09:00 AM:
Here’s a list of a bunch of vintage TV cartoons that have made it to YouTube.
Very cool mashup of old-style D&D gaming with LiveJournal data.
Congratulations, Jason. After the buzz dies down on this one, what’ll you be building next?
OMG!!!1!! Why didn’t anyone TELL me about this before? Just watched the latest, question #22, and I’m still laughing. This is the kind of vlogging that should exist, not that other crap.
Funtwo’s rendition of JerryC’s arrangement of Pachebel’s Canon.
Price around $420 USD as of June 2006.
Very nice visuals, cute twist. Possibly NSFW. (via Elf Sternberg)
Custom Google t-shirts with “I’m feeling proud!” on the back. (via Tom Limoncelli)
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