(RSS) links since June 4, 2007 at 09:00 AM:
James Shikwati lets the cat out of the bag: development aid funds keep Africa in the dark, instead of helping it become a thriving continent of nations.
In “about:config”, change “editor.singleLine.pasteNewlines” from 1 to 2. Great tip.
Marc writes about how to hire the right people … I really like what he’s cooking, here.
Wow, Apple crippled MacOS X to prevent user-created static binaries so they could force upgrades through updating the shared libs. Pwned.
Colocation 2.0–Mac Mini colo. I’m surprised this hasn’t really taken off.
Ooh, new MacBook Pro gets Intel Core 2 Duo and LED-backlit display. I think it’s finally time to upgrade.
Lawrence Walsh writes, “If you don’t know this axiom about management, you should: Grade-A managers hire Grade-A people. Grade-B managers hire Grade-C people.” So very true.
18 beautiful color schemes derived from beautiful butterflies.
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