I’m a big fan of Steve Buscemi, but this morning I saw something very disturbing on Google News … a picture of Macaulay Culkin.
Now, in and of itself, that’s not very scary. What’s scary is the double-take I did when I first saw the picture. I thought to myself, “Boy, that must be a really young picture of Steve Buscemi …” until I realized it wasn’t him! See for yourself:

For appropriate photo credit, here’s the original article where Macaulay gets smacked down for dope posession and the picture of Steve.
Just makes you wonder … is Macaulay actually Steve’s love-child? Hmm …
Update: Alex at Martini Republic beat me to it by two days … damn! Great minds think alike, or fools rarely differ.
Stange thing for me is the posted pic. here Steve looks like my father did when he was fifty 35 years ago.