(RSS) links since July 3, 2006 at 09:00 AM:
“Grace // Cock Flavoured Soup Mix” — ha, ha. I wonder how it’d go with Spotted Dick.
Best Bud Light ad, ever. “It lay eggs now. Enjoy!”
Best Bud Light ad, ever. “It lay eggs now. Enjoy!” (in QuickTime format)
Hugh Sung’s arrangement of the Psalms for the Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church, made available as PDFs, “copyright free” (as in beer) for reuse.
Tom Limoncelli outlines a technique he’s referring to as “grey listing” where unknown senders get a soft bounce. Spammers won’t attempt redelivery but legitimate mailers should, albeit with varying length delay.
Four 5 1/4″ drive bays, supports IDE, ATAPI and SATA drives, 8″x8″x13″. ST5X1PM (5X1 Port Multiplier), $200. STMPC (Barebones), $119.
Amanda is teh hawtness.
I can’t believe (but I’m glad) that there are still folks developing Netrek. I’m going to have to find some time to play again, just for old times’ sake.
ZOMG!@# It’s like Fark, but with absolutely no redeeming value whatsoever. NSFW or anything else for that matter. You’ve been warned.
Appaerntly Stephen Colbert says “monkey butter” on the Daily Show. (via jwz, natch.)
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