(RSS) links since November 13, 2005 at 09:05 AM:
- AOLSERVER Archives — July 2005 (#17): TIP: AOLserver 4.0.10 allows >1024 fd, but beware!
Allowing more than 1024 fd’s is great, except when things still use select(). If you call anything that uses select(), you will crash the server.
Tags: aolserver, reference - Internet Service to Put Classic TV on Home Computer – New York Times
“Warner Brothers is preparing a major new Internet service that will let fans watch full episodes from more than 100 old television series. The service, called In2TV, will be free, supported by advertising, and will start early next year. More than 4,800
Tags: aol, free, p2p, tv, video - Keyboard Acoustic Emanations Revisited
This needs to get refined to the point where I can snoop the stuff people are typing when I’m on the phone with them. Muwhahah. That’d rule.
Tags: hack, paper, pwnt, security
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