A Buzz Lightyear … dildo?

My wife went to a swap meet tonight, where folks bring things they want to get rid of and exchange it for stuff that others are trying to dump. As a goof, she saw this and knew I’d want to blog a picture of it:

Buzz Lightyear dildo

Yeah, seriously, WTF is that? Is that really a Buzz Lightyear dildo? I don’t think this is what Buzz meant when he said, “To infinity, and beyond!” Hell, look at his crossed arms and disinterested look as he tries not to look downward.

Of course, this is one of those stupid “turn it on and the top spins around with lights” toys, but if you flick the switch and hold the top, the shaft rotates … hello?! Even my 8 year old daughter asked me, “Daddy, what’s the green thing at the bottom do?” All I could do was shake my head sadly and say, “Nothing, honey. Now go upstairs and brush your teeth and go to bed.”

You just can’t make this stuff up.

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  1. Oh my starfish! That was so funny I launched spittle on my screen. Also amusing is that I use a js profanity filter that I SpongeBobized so your title is “A Buzz Lightyear … *tartar sauce*?”

    Like that scene from Parenthood
    Taylor: Mommy what was that?
    Karen: That was an electrical ear cleaner.
    Taylor: It was kinda big.
    Grandma: It sure was.

    Why was I here? Oh yeah checking out Twitter Karma – LOVE it

  2. Christy: Thanks for stopping by and I’m glad you like Twitter Karma!

  3. WTF indeed! My kid likes lightyear. Don’t think I want to show this toy to him!

  4. WOW that is insaine. There was some candy that also looked like a dildo a few years back and parents were having a fit ,to boot it spit out stuff out the center.. who comes up with this stuff ?

    Larry Diesbach

  5. My son just got that same toy from “Toy Story On Ice” tonight. OMG, I about died laughing inside. Whoever designed it had to have known what it looks like.

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