Vodacom 3G speed tests in Johannesburg and at Sun City

Just a quick post with a few speed tests captured at Cresta Shopping Center in Johannesburg and at Sun City near Pilanesburg.

Cresta Shopping Center

Vodacom 3G speed test at Cresta Shopping Center

Sun City

Vodacom 3G speed test at Sun City

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  1. prudence moloto says

    i have been experiencing hell with my internet and when calling into vodacom I was told that they had a 3G connection problem in jhb nad this sucks as i have been out of cahts sites nad internet for 4 days now and calling in sucks I can’t take vodacom anymore all I can do on my Nokia E71 is take calls nad messages! I can’t seem to get this resolved maybe changing networks might help! What can I do Vodacom network has been all that I was used to but can’t take this anymore!

    • Prudence, you could check out the other wireless telecom providers in South Africa – MTN, Cell C, Virgin Mobile, and even Telkom SA’s 8ta. But, Vodacom is certainly the popular choice, and I’d probably stick with them.

      Every company has problems, and unless you’re the only customer affected, they’re probably working on fixing it. I know how disruptive it can be when service is interrupted, but that’s the price we pay for living in the modern times, depending on such things.

      Good luck, and I hope they sort out the problem quickly and get you back online! Thanks for commenting.

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