I’ve been very depressed again and I just can’t seem to get my head in order. I’m going to try to get them all out here before the zombies eat my brain. In other words, I’m going to reduce my intellectual essence into a meaningless trail of bullet points:
- Can my life–my thoughts, my feelings–be reduced to a list of bullet points?
- I think I’m burned out on AOLserver. There’s so much I want to see happen but it’s more than I can do on my own.
- I want to visit northern VA to hang out with my ex-coworker friends from AOL, but I just can’t motivate to make the 5 hour drive.
- I hate fighting with my wife. I wish we could be happy together … happy with each other.
- I’m glad my oldest daughter seems to have adjusted to public school okay.
- I “know” a lot of people online, but I still feel incredibly lonely.
- I’m really disappointed, but perhaps not surprised, that TWX stock is still tanking.
- I hate being ugly.
- I wish I weren’t so damn lazy.
- Maybe I really do belong in California–my inability to find ubergeek friends in New Jersey is really making me sad.
- I really don’t want to move to California. I don’t want to have to live in California.
- How does some 6th grader raise $6.5M of funding for a ridiculous business (marketplace for buying/selling MMOG crap), while the company I currently work for, TrustELI, can’t seem to get any?
- I wish I could figure out what would make me happy.
- Someone recently bought some $300+ worth of stuff via one of my Amazon.com
links–whoever you are, THANK YOU.
- I wish I could just write my thoughts down like other people can. Why is this so hard for me? They race around my head but as soon as I try to type them out, they disappear.
I give up … I can’t just sit here and stare at the screen any longer. Maybe I’ll try again tomorrow.
Tags: Dossy, thoughts, sad, depression
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