(RSS) links since February 12, 2007 at 09:00 AM:
Unlocker is one of the most useful free Win32 utilities I’ve found.
“While DataUniverse provides the best possible collection of public servant salaries and job locations in the state [of New Jersey], not everyone is listed.”
I pushed for AOL to support OpenID, leveraging its SNS (screen name service) authenticator … Of course, these things finally start happening long after I leave AOL.
“Introducing MacSaber. Using your Mac’s sudden motion sensor, this software turns your computer into a Jedi weapon almost worthy of taking on the real thing by making authentic lightsaber sound effects.”
“nLite is a tool for permanent Windows components removal and pre-installation Windows configuration. After removal there is an option to make bootable image ready for burning on cd or testing in virtual machines.” (via Bradley)
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