links since February 27, 2006 at 09:05 AM (RSS) links since February 27, 2006 at 09:05 AM:

Chris Leckness spends a week with the Treo 650

Chris Leckness, a Microsoft Mobile MVP and founder of a bunch of niche gadget sites under the LeckMedia, LLC, umbrella, steps away from Windows Mobile long enough to try out the Treo 650 for a week. He doesn’t get too deep into specific tasks or cover a broad range of Palm OS applications, but his review is probably more typical of what an average consumer would do with a Treo rather than a geek like myself, so it’s a good read. Check it out:

Day 1,
Day 2,
Day 3,
Day 4,
Day 5,
Day 6,
Day 7


For the love of computer generated boobies!

I just couldn’t resist linking to this … because there’s nothing like watching a pair of computer generated breasts bouncing around on your screen. (Link may be NSFW (not safe for work)! You’ve been warned.) Go for the “FF+G” on level 4 “Extreme” activity level. Whee! *dizzy* (via jwz)

Funny thing is, this is ridiculously good marketing … I’d never heard of them before but the next time I’m shopping for sports-bras, I will definitely check out a Shock Absorber sports-bra. The true test will be if their product actually delivers what it promises from the computer simulation. Anyone here own any of these bras? What size are you and what support levels have you tried? Any complaints? Do they machine-wash well? Are they durable?

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AOL’s new pricing is good, not bad … pay attention!

AOL recently announced that they’d be changing their pricing plans with a $2 increase from $23.90 to $25.90 a month for dial-up, which of course isn’t going to be a popular change. However, the interesting part of this change is that AOL has worked out agreements with companies to bundle an AOL subscription with a broadband connection, for guess how much? Right, $25.90 a month — the same price as dial-up. This is incredible, but people aren’t as excited about this as I would have expected. Why not?

I’m guessing that lots of folks read the BetaNews article on this, and like Gray Rentz over at MobilitySite, didn’t fully understand the new deal. I left a few comments over there, including a link to the more elaborate AP article, trying to clear things up a bit. I think Gray’s understanding is that you’ll be paying for a broadband connection (whatever that already costs) and then $25.90 a month on top of that for your AOL subscription. If Gray’s interpretation is any indication of the general understanding people got from this change, no wonder people aren’t excited by this news. From the AP article, it definitely sounds like the $25.90 a month pricing includes the broadband connection and an AOL subscription. In other words, what people were already paying for just a broadband connection before, they can now get an AOL subscription for no additional cost! If you ask me, this is huge!

I hope this makes the new pricing change make more sense to people. It’s a great deal for AOL subscribers who have been thinking about leaving AOL for a plain broadband connection, or reluctant to upgrade from dial-up to broadband … now, there’s no reason to leave AOL, and pricing is no longer a deciding factor between dial-up and broadband.

This could very well be the start of another September that Never Ended.

, links since February 13, 2006 at 09:05 AM (RSS) links since February 13, 2006 at 09:05 AM:

Treo 650 Updater 1.17 for Cingular released November 2005

In August of last year, I replaced my aging Samsung i330 with a brand new Cingular Treo 650. It shipped with the latest software, which was Treo650-1.15-CNG at the time. I wrote about some really annoying problems, but the one that’s really bothered me the entire time is how the device keeps turning the screen off after seconds, not 3 minutes as I’ve got configured in the preferences. Well, somehow I missed Palm’s Treo 650 Updater 1.17 for Cingular that was released a month after, in November. There’s a bunch of fixes that are part of the update, but the one I’m most interested in:

Correctly saves Auto-off power setting. This addresses an issue experienced by some users after installing updater version 1.15

Glory be and halleluja! As I write this, I’m in the process of installing the update. A HotSync, a hard reset, the update installs, another HotSync … and it’s done! But, what has it done to my poor phone? It’s totally messed up! The phone won’t power on. Going to Phone Info, it’s blanked out Number, IMEI Number, SA Number and Firmware fields. Going into Prefs, selecting Network under Communication throws me an error: “Network Error … The network library is not available.” Crap! Okay, if being a long-time owner of crappy PalmOS devices has taught me anything, it’s this: when stuff stops working, hard-reset and restore from HotSync. So, that’s what I do … no luck. The phone works fine after the hard-reset, but after I restore my stuff with a HotSync, it stops working again. You know what this means … I’m going to be spending hours playing “Where’s Waldo” with my user profile folder, adding PRC files back in one at a time until I figure out which one is causing the Treo to hang. Oh, I’m so not looking forward to this.

I might post an update after I get this thing working again. Or, I might try and find a way to revert it to the 1.15 version of the software. Or, throw it out the window and finally get a non-PalmOS PDA phone. Argh!

UPDATE: After playing the twiddle-with-my-backup-folder game and HotSync’ing over and over, finally removing DocumentsToGo got the Treo working again. Yay! And, yes, the “keeps turning the screen off prematurely” problem is fixed.


I ought to test in MSIE more often

To anyone who might have tried to leave a comment on this blog using the MSIE or AOL Explorer browser (which uses MSIE under the hood) and couldn’t, I’m sorry about that. Someone just told me today that it wasn’t working … turns out I had an extra close tag (specifically, </form>) which MSIE was interpreting correctly (which ended up neutering the “Post” button) but Firefox was being lenient about. In other words, it wasn’t working under MSIE which was the technically right behavior, but I didn’t know it because I mostly use Firefox which ignored my mistake and “did what I meant, not what I said.”

Commenting should now work for MSIE users again. Sorry about that. Fire away! And if you ever have a problem with this site, don’t hesitate to email me and let me know about it.

Stanley Burrell, yes, Hammer, is now blogging, too

Just a quick note before I really start my day … Niall Kennedy points out that Stanley Burrell, the legendary Hammer (or “MC Hammer” as he was previously known), is now blogging on the MC Hammer Blog. He’s also doing some podcasting and moblogging too, but start by reading his first entry.

Spike Lee really gets it when he tries to spread the message that we should be celebrating the good stuff in life. Of course we all have bad stuff happen all the time, but why should rap and hip-hop degenerate into a massive pity-party for black people? I think Hammer gets this when he writes:

[…] Through the blog I will eliminate sensationalism. You will have access to my many thoughts and truly get to know me without an intermediate.

Video on demand will allow you to see my art, my life and work on demand and without the infection of those who have hidden agendas. This is the revolution and it is on demand. There is no stopping this movement and you can’t contain it. The music was built from the vibrations and the call of the people.

We will dance.

There will be many steps in this dance. Learn the movements. Respect my get down. Notice the strength of the women in these videos. See the joy of the kids. The young man at the end of the first “Look” video is my ten year old son Stanley Burrell Jr. I turn them loose and lift them up. They are strong and beautiful. I applaud their strengths and I create an environment that focuses on their gifts. When I launch The Look Tour you will witness what the power of music, dance, technology, God and community truly is on another level. Witness the maturation of Hip Hop.

I won’t be just performing but we together will be celebrating the Art Of The Dance.

Yeah, he gets it. “Through the blog I will eliminate sensationalism.” “Witness the maturation of Hip Hop.” Nailed it. Almost makes me wonder if Hammer’s read Naked Conversations.

Anyway, MC Hammer’s music was a big part of the soundtrack of my childhood, and I’ve always been surprised that he steered clear of the whole gangsta mess. Now, he’s once again entering my life in a big way, this time through his blogging and transparency, and his positive outlook and message. Maybe he’ll be a big influence on my own childrens’ childhoods as well. I think I’d quite like that.


Twin Tangle by ThinkFun, if you like brainteaser puzzles

I’m a big fan of brainteasers and puzzles, especially the metal manipulation ones, where you have to unlink two or more objects that are somehow entangled together. This past weekend, while on vacation up in Cooperstown, NY, we stopped into a store called Riverwood Gifts right on Main Street where I found a fantastic puzzle. Normally, I can solve these things within a few minutes without much effort, but this one had me stumped. I probably spent a good ten minutes studying it, and just couldn’t figure it out. We left the store to continue shopping, but we went back the next day. Having a night to sleep on it, I managed to “solve” the puzzle … by which I mean, unlink the two pieces, but I hadn’t truly “solved” it in the sense of understanding the solution. In other words, when I put the two pieces back together again, I couldn’t immediately re-solve it! This puzzle was great! I rarely find a puzzle that can do this to me.

(The packaging.)



The puzzle is called Twin Tangle by a company called ThinkFun. It’s two seemingly identical pieces of steel (they may actually be identical) which can be linked together by sliding them together. The design of the puzzle is so incredibly simple and elegant, but the solution is actually quite unintuitive which makes it a challenge to solve.

Do you like puzzles? Have you found any that you found especially challenging? One that you had to really study in order to understand the solution so that you could repeat it reliably? Tell me about it in the comments below.

Willie Nelson is Frequently, Secretly (A Subversive Iconoclast)

Something special happened this Valentine’s Day. Willie Nelson released the single “Cowboys Are Frequently, Secretly (Fond of Each Other).” It’s only available through Apple’s iTunes Music Store, so here’s a download link for the song. Matter of fact, this is the first song I’ve actually bought and paid for at iTunes. Yes, I just had to hear the song for myself and $0.99 was well within impulse buy range.

Apparently the song is 20 years old, originally written by Ned Sublette, according to Boing Boing. I’m guessing it was much better received today than it would have been 20 years ago.

Go and buy the song off iTunes and share your thoughts about the song here in the comments. What do you think? Is Willie just capitalizing on the success of Brokeback Mountain (IMDb), or is he really being subversive and iconoclastic?