How much traffic did Twitter Karma get me?

Since announcing Twitter Karma on December 29th, it became popular pretty quickly in the Twitter community. I watched the traffic come in from various sources and being interested in this sort of thing, I wanted to know exactly what kind of impact it had on my overall traffic.

Using Google Analytics and Site Meter, I’m able to keep an eye on my traffic and get some useful metrics about it. Lets start with a graph of the past 7 days worth of visits (yellow) and page views (orange) from Site Meter:

SiteMeter visits and page views, 2008-01-09

What’s immediately interesting to me about this graph is that, previously, my weekend traffic was usually lower than my weekday traffic. However, the Twitter Karma traffic peaked on the weekend, which surprised me.

To get an idea of the number of users it brought me, I looked to Google Analytics. Here’s the Absolute Unique Visitors data for 2007-12-28 through 2008-01-08:

5,540 Absolute Unique Visitors

Friday, December 28, 2007 2.73% (164)
Saturday, December 29, 2007 3.36% (202)
Sunday, December 30, 2007 2.36% (142)
Monday, December 31, 2007 5.72% (344)
Tuesday, January 1, 2008 4.66% (280)
Wednesday, January 2, 2008 6.92% (416)
Thursday, January 3, 2008 11.84% (712)
Friday, January 4, 2008 9.68% (582)
Saturday, January 5, 2008 21.75% (1,308)
Sunday, January 6, 2008 16.58% (997)
Monday, January 7, 2008 9.06% (545)
Tuesday, January 8, 2008 5.35% (322)

To separate out my regular blog traffic, I pulled the Top Content report for the same timeframe:

291 URLs were viewed a total of 10,159 times

Page Title Pageviews Unique Pageviews Time on Page
Your Twitter Karma 5,653 4,494 00:03:13

So, of those 5,540 visitors, 4,494 of them went to the Twitter Karma page, or close to 81%.

To be honest, ~4,500 visitors isn’t a big number at all. What makes me really curious is finding out how many “active” users the Twitter service has. What percentage of that total does 4,500 users represent over that time period? Less than 1%? 5%? 10%? 50%?

I’m sure the Twitter guys aren’t going to open their kimonos that wide and share that kind of information with us, but I wonder if there’s any way to collect that information anyway. I guess I could sample the public timeline every few seconds for a few weeks, then compute the uniques and update frequency to come up with an estimate. This won’t take into account those who have their updates protected, but I’m willing to bet fewer than 20% of Twitter’s active users have done that.

Still, this was a fun application to hack together and it seems to be well-received amongst the Twitter community, so I’m really happy with it. I hope someone can come up with another great tiny app. idea for Twitter that I can hack on, next.

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Hackfest: Facebook List of the Day profile box implementation

The weekly Hackfest took a bit of a break due to the winter holiday and resumed this past Monday. The goal for this session was to turn the visual design created last time into actual FBML that would render inside a profile box.

The first step was to create the database schema, which was mostly outlined in the design document. I went ahead and created actual DDL scripts for MySQL based on what was described in the design doc. I’m expecting these to change as development progresses, but this represents the minimum required to implement our current visual design.

The general approach for the profile box implementation is to use profile.setFBML to set the FBML of the profile box to simply “<fb:ref handle="profile_box"/>“. We want to do this because every day when the profile box needs to be updated for every single Facebook user who has added our application, we don’t want to have to invoke profile.setFBML with the newest information–that just won’t scale well. Having the profile box simply contain an <fb:ref> means we can effectively update everyone’s profile box with a single call to fbml.setRefHandle, once per day.

I’ve also created a SQL script that can be used to populate the MySQL database with sample data for testing. The only MySQL-specific part of it is the use of “CREATE TABLE ... LIKE ...” which allows us to use the submission_template and votes_template tables to create our individual instances of those tables for each list_id, rather than embedding the DDL for each of those in our code itself.

After all this, here’s a screenshot of the profile box off my own Facebook profile page, pulling the sample data out of the database and rendering it via FBML:

Facebook List of the Day app. screenshot, 2008-01-08

The rating widgets–the “thumbs up” and “x” icons–don’t actually work yet, but that’s going to be next week’s challenge, getting the Facebook “mock AJAX” working.

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Do I really care who’s going to be President in 2008?

For the most part, I really don’t care who’s President in America. None have really moved the needle with respect to issues I particularly care about, as far as I can tell.

However, I was curious to see if any of the potential candidates really lined up with what I care about, so I decided to take the quiz that’s been going around. Here are my results:

63% Ron Paul
60% Mike Gravel
59% Bill Richardson
54% Dennis Kucinich
53% Mitt Romney
49% Chris Dodd
49% Fred Thompson
48% Tom Tancredo
48% Rudy Giuliani
46% Hillary Clinton
45% Barack Obama
44% John Edwards
44% Joe Biden
42% Mike Huckabee
42% John McCain

2008 Presidential Candidate Matching Quiz

I was hoping to find a 80% or better match, but even a 63% match with Ron Paul is interesting. After reading up on his political position, I definitely think I like him … but, so what? Even if he gets elected, how much can he possibly change?

To give you an idea of where I stand politically, here’s the results of another quiz:

Your Result: Libertarian (63%)

This quiz has defined you as a Libertarian. Keep in mind, this ideology can be applied to the right or left in the social sense. You believe in a minimal role of the government in solving problems and believe that the “Free market” can handle almost all economic situations.

Conservative: 42%
Liberal: 33%
Social Democrat: 24%
Fascist/Radical Right: 2%
Communist/Radical Left: 0%

What is your political ideology?

I definitely think money exerts a lot of force–say, much more than a single person, like the President–and when choosing a candidate for President to support, we need to focus on two things:

  • How they make money
  • How they spend money

When considering these two, reflect on their ethics of how they make and spend money. Determine the level of ingenuity they display when faced with these two tasks. Understand how they balance the two activities to remain fiscally healthy.

Maybe I’ll have to do some more digging on this Ron Paul guy. I might even get out and vote in November, who knows.

Do you have any interesting facts about him? Please share links to stuff with me in the comments.

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How to “switch accounts” in Twitter Karma

@Debra_Hamel asks,

“Is there some way to ask TwitterKarma to look at a second account once you’ve input the details for one account?”

The simplest answer is to close your browser completely, and the next time Twitter Karma tries to access Twitter, it will prompt you to re-authenticate. Of course, that’s no fun–I’d hate to close my browser and lose all my tabs, so I looked for another way.

In the Twitter API, there’s a “verify_credentials” method that, coincidentally, seems to change the effective user of the browser session if authentication is successful. You would invoke it by navigating to an URL like this:

Replace the USERNAME and PASSWORD with your account information. You should get a plain page back that just says “Authorized.” After that, reload the Twitter Karma page and click the “Whack!” button again. It should now load your friends and followers for the other account.

Tags: , links since December 24, 2007 at 09:24 AM (RSS) links since December 24, 2007 at 09:24 AM:

Need help managing your Twitter Karma?

So, I finally let the cat out of the bag a few minutes ago and announced Twitter Karma publically.

Twitter Karma screenshot from 2007-12-19

So, what is it? The other day, @StephAgresta said, “Twitter desperately needs page navigation on followers / following list. Also sort functionality by type (reciprocated or not) is a must.” I suggested a simple mashup that implements this and started hacking on it. Three days later, it has enough functionality that Stephanie said she thinks I should release it publically.

Basically, it’s a Flash application that fetches your friends and followers from Twitter when you click the “Whack!” button, then displays them for you, letting you quickly paginate through them. By default, the list contains all your friends and followers and is sorted by last update, showing those who most recently updated first. You can sort the list alphabetically either ascending or descending by Twitter ID. You can filter the list in several ways: only friends or only followers, all friends or all followers, and mutual friends.

It’s not meant to be a full Twitter client–there’s plenty of those already and that’s not a particularly interesting or challenging problem to solve, anyway. I’ll be adding a few more features to Twitter Karma soon, though. If you think you have a must-have feature idea, go ahead and let me know about it in the comments.

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Choosing a church like you’d choose a supermarket

I like to describe myself as an igtheist–one who doesn’t care whether God exists or not.

However, I attend a Lutheran church every week, and I play guitar for the children’s choir and sing in the church choir. I do this because I really like the people in the congregation, as well as the opportunity to share my love for performing music and singing with people.

How do you go about choosing a church? Think about it this way: choosing a church is like choosing a supermarket. Some folks go to the nearest one to their house. Some stick with a particular chain because they prefer it for whatever reason. Some go to the one that sells at the lowest prices. Some go to the ones that offer the highest quality product. Some go to the ones that give away free food samples.

Going to church is not so much about believing in God than it is about liking the community of people that attend church at a specific location. Your criteria for choosing a church will likely differ from someone else’s, but in the end if you go to church, go because it provides you with the value you’re looking for, not as a statement about your belief (or lack thereof) in God.

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Santa brought us a Wii for Giftmas 2007

Wii logo

Somehow, Santa managed to score us a Nintendo Wii for Giftmas this year. Hopefully, this will eventually replace our PlayStation 2, once we build up a reasonable collection of games.

I have to admit, the last Nintendo-based gaming product I’ve owned was the Super NES. I passed on the GameBoy family of products, the GameCube, and the DS. But, the Wii … something about it just smelled of old-fashioned Nintendo charm … gameplay that was really fun again, not like these annoying reflex-based twitch games that are so popular today.

The games we’ve tried so far: Super Paper Mario and Wii Play. I was hoping that Super Paper Mario was more like the original Super Mario Bros. game from the NES days, but it’s pace is heavily punctuated by the cute storyline. I don’t know if I’ll be able to get into it.

On the other hand, Wii Play was a hit the moment we started. Both of my girls, ages 7 and 4, study horseback riding, so the “Charge!” game was the natural first choice to try. They quickly figured out the mechanics of how to hold and manipulate their Wii remotes and had a blast! The rest of the Wii Play games were fun, but some were a bit difficult to play given our setup. Let me explain with a picture:

The girls playing Wii Play 'Charge!

That’s our living room. That’s a 87″x65″ projection screen that they’re playing on. The little sensor bar is sitting on that Little Tykes table, below the screen. The sensor bar is, what, maybe 24″ wide? Perhaps there’s a setting I can adjust more than “above or below the screen” (which I’ve already set to “below”), but pointing at a location on the screen doesn’t work right. Still, playing on the big screen makes for an awesome Wii experience, I have to admit.

I have to say, Nintendo has really done well with the Wii. It’s definitely the kind of gaming console that reminds me of my childhood, growing up with the original NES. I’m glad I can share that experience with my chidlren.

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