I know news travels fast, but I’m betting there are some folks out there who haven’t heard yet: As of this past Monday, October 30th, I no longer work for AOL. My position was eliminated as part of the ongoing layoffs. Now, you know. So, what does this mean for me?
I truly believe in the cliché that “every time one door closes, another one opens.” This is a tremendous opportunity for me as part of my continuous evaluation of my life. It gives me a moment to think clearly and pursue choices that weren’t as convenient before. I can make a serious attempt at getting Panoptic (my mostly idle consulting business) finally into gear. I can explore new employment opportunities. I can even work on some of the more risky business ventures that I’ve been sitting on for quite some time.
With regard to AOLserver, I was passionate about it before joining AOL and will remain involved with it long after. I firmly believe in the technology’s capability as well as the growing community of users and supporters of it. Through Panoptic, I even hope to be able to spend more time devoted to AOLserver, now that I “own my own time” again.
What all this means is that if you have a project in mind that you think might be a good fit for me, don’t hesitate to let me know. I’d be happy to either bid on the work in response to your RFP, or work out a reasonable hourly rate and work with you on a time and materials basis, or entertain other possibilities. Nothing is out of the question at this point: the opportunities are endless.
Dossy Shiobara,
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