We arrived a little late, but we made it. Here’s Charlie at WordCampNYC 2012.

Everything that comes out of Dossy, from the strange to the banal.
We arrived a little late, but we made it. Here’s Charlie at WordCampNYC 2012.
I was thinking about attending WordCamp NYC 2012 this coming June, and I thought, “Hey, Charlie has a WordPress blog, maybe she’d like to attend, too.”
I mentioned this to Samantha, and it brought up the question: Is she too young to attend? I’m not so sure. Charlie’s quite bright for her age, she’s occasionally shown an interest in blogging, and seeing the wide range of possibility by meeting and interacting with other bloggers could give her new ideas, inspire her, generate additional interest, etc.
What say you, blogosphere? Are there likely to be too many age-inappropriate topics discussed within earshot? Will she just be ignored and written off as too young to interact with, and therefore be bored and discouraged?
I hate to do this, but I’m finally fed up with something that’s been bothering me for a while …
I’ve used a series of various WordPress plugins that mirror posts to LiveJournal, and for the most part, they work great. However, there’s been an issue: whenever I edit a post, it appears to delete the LJ post and post it as new. Not a huge problem, except for the fact that any comments left on the old LJ post are lost, which is a real drag.
I’m starting to wonder if it’s not WordPress or the plugins that are causing the problem, but the blog post authoring app that I use: MarsEdit. I don’t think so, but I haven’t ruled it out yet.
So, I’m posting this entry and will be using it as a test entry in which I’ll try to get to the bottom of things, either fixing the plugin that I’m currently using or otherwise figuring out what the problem is. Therefore …
Don’t post comments on this entry, or at least expect them to disappear suddenly as I test.
Update: This post originally was posted to LJ as http://dossy.livejournal.com/68169.html. Here’s the first edit using the WP web interface directly.
Update #2: Great, WP updated the post and updated the LJ post without changing the post ID. Now, I’m editing the post and adding this update using MarsEdit. Let’s see what happens …
Update #3: Aha! After posting the last edit using MarsEdit, the post on LiveJournal disappeared. A new post on LJ was created, with the latest post content, though: http://dossy.livejournal.com/68462.html. Not sure if it’s really MarsEdit’s fault, or a bug in the WordPress XML-RPC interface that MarsEdit uses, or the way that MarsEdit uses it. For completeness, I’m going to note that the WordPress post_id hasn’t changed regardless of how the post is edited.
Update #4: This reminds me, I need to submit an enhancement request for MarsEdit, to refresh an individual post from the server. Having to refresh all posts and pages just to pick up the edits within MarsEdit that I make in the WP interface is quite cumbersome.
Update #5: I’ve also posted a thread on the Red Sweater MarsEdit forum about this issue, to see if I can get any troubleshooting help there.
Update #6: I posted detailed troubleshooting information to the forum, but the summary is that MarsEdit invokes the WP XML-RPC in a way that marks the blog post as unpublished, then published again, and that causes the WP plugin to delete the LJ post and then re-post it. I’ve gone and made some adjustments to the plugin to NOT do this, so hopefully folks commenting on LJ won’t have their comments so unceremoniously deleted. Ideally, MarsEdit shouldn’t be marking posts as unpublished then republished (seriously, what?) but since I can’t fix that, I can fix the plugin to not delete LJ posts in response.
So, last night I was pretty deep in the pit of despair. So stressed out, that I was nauseous. What do I do about it?
Instead of sleeping, I stayed up and reworked the design for my blog. I actually think it looks fairly decent, now.
I do love WordPress and how simple it can be to just change out the look and feel of your site with a theme refresh.
Want a custom WordPress theme for your site? I offer such services for a reasonable price. Just ask!
I was at WordCamp NYC 2010 today, which was less “camp” and more “conference” — it was well organized, there were different tracks of presentations, scheduled speakers, lunch was provided, and t-shirts were handed out, etc. For the cost of $30, this was an incredibly good offering.
My only “complaint” (more like whine) is that the 2010 t-shirt sucks compared to the 2009 shirt. I’m sure the 2009 shirt was more expensive, but I’d totally be willing to pony up another $10 to get one. I hope for 2011, they bring back the way cooler subway-style NYC shirt.
Tomorrow is the more traditional “unconference” format camp, which I suspect will weed out all the “omg blogging!” types, and only the real geekcore folks will be there. I plan to submit at least a few patches towards WordPress 3.1 in the hacker room. I’ll also be volunteering from 3-4 PM at the genius bar, so bring your questions and come get some answers!
After all the fallout about Thesis, the premium WordPress theme that everyone loved so much, this past July and everyone’s mass exodus to the Genesis theme framework by StudioPress, I decided it was time I checked it out for myself.
Right off the bat, I’m pleased that Genesis is GPL’ed, it means I have the freedom to take it and do what I please with it, including building child themes that depend on it, and sell them.
So, how did I decide to give Genesis a try? By converting the theme for my own blog, dossy.org, to use it. Yup, might as well really live and breathe it and see how it wears, right?
It took me about 2 hours to rewrite my theme using Genesis, which was really pleasant to use and flexible enough to suit my needs. Of course, my theme isn’t really elaborate and doesn’t have a lot of functionality, but I do have some peculiar bits that weren’t hard to reproduce in a way that would fit in with Genesis’s way of doing things.
If you’re looking to switch from Thesis or otherwise have a custom WP theme built using Genesis, this is definitely a service that Panoptic will now be offering. Lets talk and discuss how I can help you.
Programmer, husband, father, singer, guitarist, tinkerer, reverse engineer, strange, and living in New Jersey. Read More…
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